How the Newest Media Revolution is Changing Politics, Business and Culture
by David Kline and Dan Burstein
of Contents
Also by
Title Page
Copyright Page
Introduction: From Cave Painting to Wonkette: A Short History of Blogging
-- by Dan Burstein
One: Politics & Policy
Chapter 1 :: The Essay
Toward a More Participatory Democracy
-- by David Kline
2 :: The Interviews
"The Secrets of Dean's Success (and the Democrats' Failure)."
-- Joe Trippi, former National Campaign Manager for Howard Dean
"Extreme Democracy, Blog-Style."
-- Jon Lebkowsky, CEO, Polycot
Blogging the Presidency."
-- Markos Moulitsas Zuniga,
"Dove Becomes Hawk in Blog Transformation."
-- Roger L. Simon,
"Sex, Lies, and Political Scrapes."
-- Ana Marie Cox,
3 :: The Public Commentary
"Fear and Laptops On the Campaign Trail."
-- Matthew Klam, from New York Times Magazine
of Influence"
-- by Daniel W. Drezner and Henry Farrell, from Foreign Policy
Two: Business & Economics
Chapter 4 :: The Essay
The Voice of the Customer
-- by David Kline
5 :: The Interviews
"Blogs: Humanizing the Face of Corporate America"
-- Robert Scoble, blogger and "technical evangelist" for Microsoft,
- Sidebar - "The Corporate Weblog Manifesto"
"The Whole Becomes Hugely Greater"
-- Nick Gall, analyst with the META Group
"Japanese Blogger Champions Internet Democracy"
-- Joi Ito, venture capitalist and Japan's No. 1 blogger
"Take An Obsession, Then Feed it!"
-- Nick Denton, Gawker Media
"Is it the Tortoise Against the Hare?"
-- Jason Calacanis, Weblogs Inc.
"It's More Like Music Than Publishing."
-- John Battelle, founder and former Chair of Standard Media International
"Going Out On a Limb, Where the Fruit Is."
-- Andreas Stavropoulis, Managing Director, Draper Fisher Jurvetson
"Marketers Must Learn to Respect Their Customers
-- Christian Sarkar, Web marketing and design consultant
"Building a Better Clubhouse by Blogging."
-- David Teten, CEO), Nitron Advisors, and editor, the;
and Scott Allen, consultant on social networking
"The New Meaning of ''Going to Lunch With Your Publisher.'"
--Michael Cader, founder of Publisher's Lunch
"Our Customers Want Authenticity."
-- Jonathan Schwartz, president of Sun Microsystems.
6 :: The Public Commentary
"Why There's No Escaping the Blog,"
-- by David Kirkpatrick and Daniel Roth, from Fortune
"Blogs Will Change Your Business."
-- by Stephen Baker and Heather Green, from Business Week
Part Three:
Media & Culture
Chapter 7 :: The Essay
"I Blog, Therefore I Am
-- by David Kline
8 :: The Interviews
"Child Star-Turned Blogger Discovers Life's Second Act."
-- Wil Wheaton, child-actor turned writer and blogger
"A GI Blogs the War in Iraq."
-- Colby Buzzell, US Army, formerly stationed in Iraq
"A Mayhem of Media Possibilities."
-- Adam Curry, former MTV host turned tech company incubator
"Big Media Guy Learns to Trust the Readers."
-- Jeff Jarvis, President & creative director of
"Blogs as Bottom-up Innovation"
-- Clay Shirky, expert on the social and economic effects of Internet
"Will Blog For Book Deals"
-- Kate Lee, International Creative Management
"Confessions of a Distinguished Cultural Blogger"
--Terry Teachout, drama critic for The Wall Street Journal
"Last Night a Weblog Saved My Life."
-- Ayelet Waldman, novelist
"Where Have All the Journalists Gone?"
-- Jay Rosen, NYU Department of Journalism
"Making Global Voices Heard."
-- Rebecca MacKinnon, "recovering CNN reporter turned blogger."
"Gazing at the Crystal Ball of Blogging"
-- Paul Saffo, Research Director, Institute for the Future
"Punching Holes in Faded Old Mirrors"
-- Arianna Huffington, activitist, analyst.
9 :: The Public Commentary
"My So-Called Blog"
-- by Emily Nussbaum, from The New York Times
"Meet Joe Blog"
-- by Lev Grossman and Anita Hamilton, from TIME
"A Blogger's Creed"
-- by Andrew Sullivan, from TIME
"Blogworld: The New Amateur Journalists Weighs In."
-- by Matt Welch, from Columbia Journalism Review
Appendix A
The Blog! Index
Appendix B
The Technorati Top 50: A Snapshot in Time
Appendix C:
Author Bios
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Voices of blog!
the truth. The whole truth. Nothing but the truth."
- Microsoft "chief humanizing officer" Robert
have broken the monopoly of the mainstream media"
- Celebrity blogger Arianna Huffington
weblog saved my life last night"
- Novelist Ayelet Waldman
don't want to ruin anyone's life, but
I don't mind ruining their day"
- Washington politico-sex blogger Ana Marie Cox
(aka Wonkette)
take an obsession and then I feed it"
- Gawker Media founder Nick Denton
helped me admit my acting career was going nowhere"
- Former child star of "Stand By Me" and "Star
Trek: The Next Generation" Wil Wheaton
Podcasting pioneer and former MTV host Adam Curry
Japanese blogging king Joi Ito
former Howard Dean Campaign Manager Joe Trippi
Web philosopher Clay Shirky
DailyKos liberal blogger Markos Moulitsas
screenwriter and conservative blogger Roger L. Simon
Sun Microsystems president Jonathan Schwartz
- president and Buzzmachine blogger Jeff Jarvis
futurist Paul Saffo
new media entrepreneur John Battelle
New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen
U.S. Army blogger Colby Buzzell
Publisher's Lunch founder Michael Cader
CNN reporter Rebecca MacKinnon
Weblogs, Inc. founder Jason Calacanis
literary agent Kate Lee
Wall Street Journal drama critic Terry Teachout
venture capitalist Andreas Stavropoulis
Internet activist Jon Lebkowsky
Web marketing consultant Christian Sarkar
social networking experts David Teten and Scott Allen
Internet analyst Nick Gall
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